Woodstown New Jersey
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Our Side Liners feature 120-degrees of horizontal lighting coverage. The ideal solution for any application that requires a wide spread beam, including A-Pillars, and fog Lights. These pods are designed to remove hood glare with directional lighting.
Wiring Harness Is Not Included; recommend Dual Connection Harness for Plug and Play installation. Kit will provide all necessary relays, fuses, and switch.
Brandon Fackler
Owner and Operator
I established BT Fabrications to deliver an innovative and economical solution for enhancing nighttime visibility for truck operators. Our focus is on integrating versatile lighting systems that draw power directly from the vehicle's battery, allowing for seamless extension and retraction via a simple switch mechanism. This design facilitates adjustable lighting at various heights, significantly minimizing shadowing effects and optimizing overall visibility. Our solution eliminates the reliance on traditional pull-behind light towers, as these lighting units can be efficiently mounted directly onto the vehicles themselves.
Light Tower Applications
· Pickup Trucks
· Utility Trucks
· Tow Trucks
· Emergency Vehicles
· Trailers
· Construction Equipment
· Farm Vehicles
· Etc.
Contact Us
My objective is to design and produce a distinctive product tailored to the specific needs of the customer. I am dedicated to ensuring quality throughout the manufacturing process, aimed at delivering an exceptional user experience that leaves a lasting impression on every client.